templates/Default/en/index.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'layout.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block content %}
  3.     <div class="container">
  4.         <section class="home">
  5.             <div class="home__wrap-button">
  6.                 <div class="home__round-button">
  7.                     <div class="home__btn-text p1">Skype a WikiExpert</div>
  8.                     <div class="home__arrow"></div>
  9.                     <div class="home__round-button-wrap">
  10.                         <div class="round-button">
  11.                             <div class="round-button__border"></div>
  12.                             <a href="skype:jc.wikiexpert?call" class="round-button__circle">call now</a>
  13.                         </div>
  14.                     </div>
  15.                 </div>
  16.             </div>
  17.             <h2 class="home__title h1">Choose WikiExpert for your Wikipedia Profile</h2>
  18.             <p class="home__desc p1">
  19.                 You cannot afford to leave the editing of your Wikipedia profile to strangers - or worse, to the
  20.                 competition.
  21.             </p>
  22.         </section>
  23.     </div>
  24.     <div class="container">
  25.         <section class="benefits-challenges section">
  26.             <div class="benefits-challenges__wrapper">
  27.                 <h2 class="benefits-challenges__title h1">Benefits & Challenges</h2>
  28.                 <div class="benefits-challenges__pictures">
  29.                     <div class="benefits-challenges__picture-wrap">
  30.                         <div class="benefits-challenges__picture"></div>
  31.                     </div>
  32.                     <div class="benefits-challenges__picture-wrap">
  33.                         <div class="benefits-challenges__picture"></div>
  34.                     </div>
  35.                     <div class="benefits-challenges__picture-wrap">
  36.                         <div class="benefits-challenges__picture"></div>
  37.                     </div>
  38.                 </div>
  39.             </div>
  40.             <div class="benefits-challenges__wrapper">
  41.                 <p class="benefits-challenges__text-1 p2">
  42.                     Wikipedia is the world’s largest and most referenced research tool. It&nbsp;has more traffic than
  43.                     Twitter and LinkedIn. Wikipedia links show up on the first page of Google search results as much as
  44.                     97% of the time. Your online strategy is incomplete without Wikipedia.
  45.                 </p>
  46.                 <p class="benefits-challenges__text-2 p3">
  47.                     Prior to identifying a Wikipedia visibility agency, you have probably attempted to manage your
  48.                     Wikipedia visibility personally or with a PR agency, and discovered that Wikipedia is a very
  49.                     challenging platform.
  50.                 </p>
  51.                 <p class="benefits-challenges__text-3 p3">
  52.                     Wikipedia rules are complex, vague and contradictory; the editorial discussions require a lot of
  53.                     patience; the encyclopedic style of Wikipedia is remarkably different from anything PR, advertising
  54.                     and marketing professionals are accustomed to and the outcome of crowd-writing may be quite
  55.                     unpredictable for novice Wikipedia editors. Wikipedia’s unique anti-commerce / unpaid-labor culture
  56.                     further compounds these challenges.
  57.                 </p>
  58.             </div>
  59.         </section>
  60.         <section class="wikipedia-profile section-bottom">
  61.             <h2 class="wikipedia-profile__title h1">Wikipedia<br>Profile</h2>
  62.             <ul class="wikipedia-profile__list">
  63.                 <li class="wikipedia-profile__item">
  64.                     <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-number p5">01</div>
  65.                     <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-info">
  66.                         <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-number-mobile p5">01</div>
  67.                         <h3 class="wikipedia-profile__item-title h2">Large coverage</h3>
  68.                         <p class="wikipedia-profile__item-desc p3">
  69.                             Can influence more people than your website
  70.                         </p>
  71.                     </div>
  72.                 </li>
  73.                 <li class="wikipedia-profile__item">
  74.                     <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-number p5">02</div>
  75.                     <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-info">
  76.                         <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-number-mobile p5">02</div>
  77.                         <h3 class="wikipedia-profile__item-title h2">Quick search</h3>
  78.                         <p class="wikipedia-profile__item-desc p3">
  79.                             Is almost always a top search result in Google
  80.                         </p>
  81.                     </div>
  82.                 </li>
  83.                 <li class="wikipedia-profile__item">
  84.                     <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-number p5">03</div>
  85.                     <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-info">
  86.                         <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-number-mobile p5">03</div>
  87.                         <h3 class="wikipedia-profile__item-title h2">Business solutions</h3>
  88.                         <p class="wikipedia-profile__item-desc p3">
  89.                             Can facilitate your business, if well-written
  90.                         </p>
  91.                     </div>
  92.                 </li>
  93.                 <li class="wikipedia-profile__item">
  94.                     <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-number p5">04</div>
  95.                     <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-info">
  96.                         <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-number-mobile p5">04</div>
  97.                         <h3 class="wikipedia-profile__item-title h2">Systems approach</h3>
  98.                         <p class="wikipedia-profile__item-desc p3">
  99.                             Needs to comply with a very complex set of rules
  100.                         </p>
  101.                     </div>
  102.                 </li>
  103.                 <li class="wikipedia-profile__item">
  104.                     <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-number p5">05</div>
  105.                     <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-info">
  106.                         <div class="wikipedia-profile__item-number-mobile p5">05</div>
  107.                         <h3 class="wikipedia-profile__item-title h2">Safety guarantee</h3>
  108.                         <p class="wikipedia-profile__item-desc p3">
  109.                             Must be protected from cyber-vandals
  110.                         </p>
  111.                     </div>
  112.                 </li>
  113.             </ul>
  114.         </section>
  115.     </div>
  116.     <section class="guarantee section">
  117.         <h2 class="guarantee__title section-title h1 container">WikiExperts guarantee</h2>
  118.         <div class="guarantee__blocks">
  119.             <div class="guarantee__block-wrap">
  120.                 <div class="guarantee__block">
  121.                     <h3 class="guarantee__block-title">Refund</h3>
  122.                     <div class="guarantee__block-icon-desc-wrap">
  123.                         <div class="guarantee__block-icon guarantee__block-icon--1"></div>
  124.                         <p class="guarantee__block-desc p3">
  125.                             WikiExperts will provide a full refund if your profile is removed
  126.                         </p>
  127.                     </div>
  128.                 </div>
  129.             </div>
  130.             <div class="guarantee__block-wrap">
  131.                 <div class="guarantee__block">
  132.                     <h3 class="guarantee__block-title">Relevance</h3>
  133.                     <div class="guarantee__block-icon-desc-wrap">
  134.                         <div class="guarantee__block-icon guarantee__block-icon--2"></div>
  135.                         <p class="guarantee__block-desc p3">
  136.                             Compliance with the Wikipedia standards
  137.                         </p>
  138.                     </div>
  139.                 </div>
  140.             </div>
  141.             <div class="guarantee__block-wrap">
  142.                 <div class="guarantee__block">
  143.                     <h3 class="guarantee__block-title">Confidentiality</h3>
  144.                     <div class="guarantee__block-icon-desc-wrap">
  145.                         <div class="guarantee__block-icon guarantee__block-icon--3"></div>
  146.                         <p class="guarantee__block-desc p3">
  147.                             Complete confidentiality of the service
  148.                         </p>
  149.                     </div>
  150.                 </div>
  151.             </div>
  152.         </div>
  153.         <div class="guarantee__image-wrap">
  154.             <div class="guarantee__image"></div>
  155.         </div>
  156.         <div class="container">
  157.             <div class="guarantee__information">
  158.                 <div class="guarantee__inform-block-wrap">
  159.                     <div class="guarantee__inform-block guarantee__inform-block--1">
  160.                         <h3 class="guarantee__inform-title h1">Protection</h3>
  161.                         <p class="guarantee__inform-desc p3">
  162.                             Anybody can change your Wikipedia profile. That’s why you should monitor the articles that
  163.                             relate to your brand and products. WikiExperts handles this task for you, protecting your
  164.                             online reputation.
  165.                         </p>
  166.                     </div>
  167.                 </div>
  168.                 <div class="guarantee__inform-block-wrap">
  169.                     <div class="guarantee__inform-block">
  170.                         <h3 class="guarantee__inform-title h1">Value</h3>
  171.                         <p class="guarantee__inform-desc p3">
  172.                             Since its founding in 2010, WikiExperts has assisted many major corporations, executives,
  173.                             NGOs, celebrities, politicians and other clients, in full compliance with applicable laws
  174.                             and Wikipedia content policies, simultaneously making Wikipedia more valuable to its users.
  175.                         </p>
  176.                     </div>
  177.                 </div>
  178.             </div>
  179.         </div>
  180.     </section>
  181.     <section class="podcast">
  182.         <div class="container">
  183.             <h2 class="podcast__title h1">Our Video Podcast</h2>
  184.             <p class="podcast__desc p1">
  185.                 You cannot afford to leave the editing of your Wikipedia profile to strangers - or worse, to the
  186.                 competition.
  187.             </p>
  188.             <div class="podcast__row-wrap" id="podcast">
  189.                 <div class="podcast__video-wrap">
  190.                     <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDJdIQzQ-5Q" class="podcast__video">
  191.                         <img src="{{ asset('images/video/FlPc9_VocJ4.jpg') }}" alt="">
  192.                     </a>
  193.                     <p class="podcast__video-name p2">Your profile in Wikipedia</p>
  194.                 </div>
  195.                 <div class="podcast__video-wrap">
  196.                     <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsTmPvUZc1Y" class="podcast__video">
  197.                         <img src="{{ asset('images/video/FlPc9_VocJ4.jpg') }}" alt="">
  198.                     </a>
  199.                     <p class="podcast__video-name p2">Who is eligible for a Wikipedia profile?</p>
  200.                 </div>
  201.                 <div class="podcast__video-wrap">
  202.                     <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q92boGQggas" class="podcast__video">
  203.                         <img src="{{ asset('images/video/FlPc9_VocJ4.jpg') }}" alt="">
  204.                     </a>
  205.                     <p class="podcast__video-name p2">Why hire a&nbsp;Wikipedia expert</p>
  206.                 </div>
  207.                 <div class="podcast__video-wrap">
  208.                     <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_qWE4j7SMs" class="podcast__video">
  209.                         <img src="{{ asset('images/video/FlPc9_VocJ4.jpg') }}" alt="">
  210.                     </a>
  211.                     <p class="podcast__video-name p2">WikiExperts - services</p>
  212.                 </div>
  213.             </div>
  214.             <div class="podcast__row-wrap podcast__more">
  215.                 <div class="podcast__video-wrap">
  216.                     <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CWMpiJZ7YI" class="podcast__video">
  217.                         <img src="{{ asset('images/video/FlPc9_VocJ4.jpg') }}" alt="">
  218.                     </a>
  219.                     <p class="podcast__video-name p2">CNN interview with WikiExperts' President (in Spanish)</p>
  220.                 </div>
  221.                 <div class="podcast__video-wrap">
  222.                     <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcnhrlbeD3I" class="podcast__video">
  223.                         <img src="{{ asset('images/video/FlPc9_VocJ4.jpg') }}" alt="">
  224.                     </a>
  225.                     <p class="podcast__video-name p2">Wikipedia - way too complex?</p>
  226.                 </div>
  227.                 <div class="podcast__video-wrap">
  228.                     <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afXpnsx_3DI" class="podcast__video">
  229.                         <img src="{{ asset('images/video/FlPc9_VocJ4.jpg') }}" alt="">
  230.                     </a>
  231.                     <p class="podcast__video-name p2">Wikipedia Profiles Damaged by Supporters</p>
  232.                 </div>
  233.                 <div class="podcast__video-wrap">
  234.                     <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_qUwyw_s24" class="podcast__video">
  235.                         <img src="{{ asset('images/video/FlPc9_VocJ4.jpg') }}" alt="">
  236.                     </a>
  237.                     <p class="podcast__video-name p2">Wikipedia Vandals and Wikipedia Alerts</p>
  238.                 </div>
  239.                 <div class="podcast__video-wrap">
  240.                     <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxAZ-wTqf2M" class="podcast__video">
  241.                         <img src="{{ asset('images/video/FlPc9_VocJ4.jpg') }}" alt="">
  242.                     </a>
  243.                     <p class="podcast__video-name p2">Vatican Copies Wikipedia Information</p>
  244.                 </div>
  245.                 <div class="podcast__video-wrap">
  246.                     <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYesvvCy4Yc" class="podcast__video">
  247.                         <img src="{{ asset('images/video/FlPc9_VocJ4.jpg') }}" alt="">
  248.                     </a>
  249.                     <p class="podcast__video-name p2">Wikipedia Fundraising</p>
  250.                 </div>
  251.             </div>
  252.         </div>
  253.         <div class="podcast__line-button">
  254.             <div class="line-button">
  255.                 <button class="line-button__circle" id="podcastButton">
  256.                     <span class="line-button__circle-text line-button__circle-text--active">show more</span>
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  261.                     <div class="line-button__line-scroll">
  262.                         <span class="line-button__text">Our Video Podcast</span>
  263.                         <span class="line-button__text">Our Video Podcast</span>
  264.                         <span class="line-button__text">Our Video Podcast</span>
  265.                         <span class="line-button__text">Our Video Podcast</span>
  266.                         <span class="line-button__text">Our Video Podcast</span>
  267.                         <span class="line-button__text">Our Video Podcast</span>
  268.                     </div>
  269.                 </div>
  270.             </div>
  271.         </div>
  272.     </section>
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  274.         <section class="contact-form" id="contactFormSection">
  275.             <div class="contact-form__left-block">
  276.                 <div class="contact-form__text">
  277.                     <h2 class="contact-form__title h1">Request a&nbsp;free estimate</h2>
  278.                     <p class="contact-form__desc p1">
  279.                         To receive a free time/cost estimate, please send us the task description
  280.                     </p>
  281.                 </div>
  282.                 <div class="contact-form__arrow">
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  286.             <div class="contact-form__right-block">
  287.                 {{ render(controller('App\\Controller\\DefaultController:form', {form: request_form|default(null), _locale: app.request.locale})) }}
  288.             </div>
  289.         </section>
  290.     </div>
  291. {% endblock %}